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Rotaryclub Den Helder is in contact met Rotary Club Uzhgorod-Skala (in de Oekraïne) en Rotary Club Košice

Rotaryclub Den Helder heeft via haar lid André Bakker (eigenaar van een Akkerbouwbedrijf in de Oekraïne) via zijn Accountant Volodymyr Starosta in de Oekraine welke eveneens Rotarian is, contact met Rotary Club Uzhgorod-Skala (in de Oekraïne) en Rotary Club Košice. Welke actie in de regio zijn op gestart om de vele vluchtelingen te helpen die richting Uzhgorod komen. Rotary Club Košice is de spil in het opgestarte hulpprogramma in het westen van de Oekraïne. Hulp door clubs in de directe nabijheid welke wij heel sipmpel kunnen ondersteunen met Geld! Zie hieronder de mail die wij mochten ontvangen met de hulpvraag. En zie ook voor meer informatie de brief Jaroslav Šuranský, Governor of District 2240, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic in de bijlagen.

Onderstaand de mail:

Dear Andre, my Rotarian friend!

Rotary Club Uzhgorod-Skala in Ukraine asks you and your Club for support Ukrainian people at this difficult time - the war in Ukraine.

Situation in Eastern and Northern regions of our country is critical, people in cities and villages, including Kharkiv, Kyiv, are constantly under russian fire. They are short on food and basic supplies.

As for food, we need easy-open canned food, cereals, and all types of dry food that can be easily and safely transported. As well we need baby food, including infant formula and everything that can be transported.

We also need hygienic supplies, especially for children, including wet wipes, diapers.

As for medical supplies, we need mainly materials and drugs that are used in first aid.

Since we are far away and there are difficulties with transportation to Ukraine, it is better to support us with money. Then we will buy all necessary near Ukraine (in Slovakia, Hungary) and transport all to Ukraine.

Please invite members of your Rotary Club to join. If such a decision of help is made, please contact the Coordinator of the Chairman of the Ukraine-Slovakia-Czech Republic Interstate Committee. She coordinates assistance from various EU Rotary clubs (purchases necessary goods and organizes groupage cargo from various clubs for Ukraine).

Frantisek Siska +421 949 120 512 - Chairman of the Ukraine-Slovakia-Czech Republic Interstate Committee (he don’t speak English).

Monika Koči +421 904 120 998 - Coordinator of the Chairman of the Ukraine-Slovakia-Czech Republic Interstate Committee. She speaks English.

Kind regards, with many thanks in advance for your help.

Volodymyr Starosta 

Past President Rotary Club Uzhhorod-Skala 2020-2021

Ukraine, Uzhhorod

Mobile: + 380 67 310 05 50

on behalf of Rotary Club Uzhhorod-Skala

personal ID: 6326382 in My Rotary

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